Select crop Select crop Almond Apple Apricot Asparagus Banana Barley Beans Berries Brassicas Broccoli Bulb onions Cabbage Canola Canola - Clearfield varieties Capsicum Carrot Cauliflower Celery Cherry Chickpea Cucumber Cucurbits Eggplant Faba (broad) beans Field peas Fruiting vegetables Garlic Grapes Leafy vegetables Legumes Lemon Lentils and vetch Lettuce Macadamia Mango Nectarines Oats Oilseed poppies Onions Peaches Peaches (canning) Pear Plums Pome fruit Poppies Potato Prunes Roots and tubers Sprouts Stone fruit Strawberry Tangelo Tobacco Tomato Tomato (except greenhouse) Turf Wheat Select weed / disease / pest Select weed / disease / pest Alternaria Alternaria fruit spot Alternaria leaf blotch Alternaria leaf spot Anthracnose Apple scab Ascochyta blight Bitter rot Black pit Black sigatoka Black spot Blackleg Blackspot (scab) Blossom blight Blossom mould Blue mould Botrytis bunch rot Botrytis grey mould Brown rot Brown spot Bunch rot Bunt Cercospora Cercospora leaf spot Chocolate spot Cordana leaf spot Dollar spot Downy mildew Early blight Emperor brown spot Fly speck Freckle Frog-eye leaf spot Fruit speckle Grey mould Gummy stem blight Hull rot Husk spot Late blight Late blight (Irish blight) Leaf blight Leaf curl Leaf rust Leaf scald Leaf speckle Leaf spot Leucotricha Loose smut Neck rot Net form of net blotch Peach blight Pear scab Phomopsis cane Podosphaera Powdery mildew Purple blotch Ramularia Red leather leaf Rhizoctonia root rot Ring spot Ripe fruit spot Rust Scab Scald Sclerotina rot Septoria Septoria avenae blotch Septoria leaf blotch Septoria leaf spot Septoria nodorum blotch Septoria spot (pumpkin) Septoria tritici blotch Shot hole Sooty blotch Spot form of net blotch Stem end rots Stem rust Stripe rust Target spot Venturia inaequalis Yellow leaf spot