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Versys Insecticide



Mode of action: Group 9D insecticide 
Active ingredient(s): 100 g/L Afidopyropen 
Formulation: Dispersible concentrate (DC) 

Versys® is a very powerful ‘5-star’ insecticide with activity against aphids at all emerged life stages. Versys is now registered in a very wide range of crops, including wheat, barley and canola. (See the full list below)

Already a mainstay for many vegetable growers, Versys offers grain growers the same advantages: its new Group 9D mode of action will help manage resistance, and its minimal impact on beneficial insects and bees make it an ideal addition to any IPM program.

Versys stops affected label pests, which also include whiteflies and mealybugs in some crops, from feeding in just a few minutes. That rapid impact helps to prevent transmission of the damaging diseases the insects can spread.


Key benefits

  • Powerful and lasting control of aphids using a new active to help manage insecticidal resistance
  • The very rapid cessation of feeding minimises the risk of virus transmission and subsequent crop damage
  • Low impact on beneficial insects and pollinator insects such as bees

How it works

Like all Group 9 insecticides, Versys® acts as a chordotonal organ TRPV channel modulator. Chordotonal organs are stretch sensors that insects rely on for their senses of hearing and balance and which are critical for coordinated movement. When Versys selectively binds to TRPV channels, it causes the sensors to send continuous chordotonal nerve signals independent of joint movement.

The result is that target pests stop feeding in as little as 15 minutes as they become deaf, disoriented and unable to control their legs and antennae. The resulting jittery movements can then create the appearance of ‘dancing’.

One of the key benefits of using #Versys Insecticide is how quickly it stops aphids from feeding: in as little as 15 minutes! This prevents further direct damage & minimises the opportunity for virus transmission. Watch the biological process here:

Crop suitability

  • Artichokes

    Cabbage aphid
    Corn aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Banana

    Banana aphid
  • Barley

    Cabbage aphid
    Corn aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Oat Aphid
    Russian wheat aphid
  • Bok choy

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Brassicas

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Canola

    Cabbage aphid
    Green peach aphid
  • Celery

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Chard

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Chinese cabbage

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Choy sum

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Cotton

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Cress

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Cucurbits

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Fruiting vegetables

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Gai lan

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Ginger

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Grapes

    Long-tailed mealybug
  • Kale

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Leafy mustard

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Lettuce

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Ornamentals

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Rose aphid
  • Pak choy

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Parsley

    Cabbage aphid
    Corn aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
  • Potato

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Rhubarb

    Cabbage aphid
    Corn aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Spinach

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly
  • Strawberry

    Cabbage aphid
    Corn aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Sweet corn

    Cabbage aphid
    Corn aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Sweet potato

    Cabbage aphid
    Cotton aphid / Melon aphid
    Currant lettuce aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Silverleaf whitefly (suppression)
  • Wheat

    Cabbage aphid
    Corn aphid
    Green peach aphid
    Oat Aphid
    Russian wheat aphid

What our customers are saying

Dowling AgriTech is a well-established seed potato producer based near Mount Gambier in SA. While pest control is important for all vegetable growers, it is probably even more crucial in seed potato crops because any loss of control could have a multiplier effect if infected seed potatoes were sent out as the source of commercial crops.  It goes without saying that a successful company like Dowling AgriTech has very strict quality control to make sure the seed potatoes it supplies are totally free of infest

It sounds a bit cheesy, but I just didn’t believe how effective it was. I walked through the crop and couldn’t find a single aphid. But it was overrun by ladybirds and red and blue beetles – the beneficial insects. 

Peter Ellison, Dowling AgriTech SA
Chris Monsour testimonial

Versys has a new mode of action for sucking pests that’s very effective against green peach aphids and melon (or cotton) aphids

Chris Monsour, Prospect Agriculture North Queensland

Questions and Answers from the Field

  • Do potatoes have insecticides?

    The ideal insecticide for potatoes is Versys. Versys is a very powerful five-star insecticide with activity against aphids at all emerged life stages in potatoes. Versys has low toxicity so that it doesn’t harm beneficial bugs and pollinators and offers high levels of residual control for up to 21 days.

  • How do I protect barley, canola and cotton from aphids?

    Versys is a very powerful five-star insecticide with activity against aphids at all emerged life stages. Versys is now registered in a very wide range of crops, including barley, canola and cotton. Protect your barley, canola and cotton from aphids with Versys.  

  • How do I protect my lettuce from aphids and bugs?

    Protect your lettuce from aphids with Versys, a powerful 5-star insecticide with activity against aphids at all emerged life stages. There are a range of aphids and bugs that affect lettuce plants – but Versys quickly and effectively stops aphids from feeding and prevents further direct damage. 

  • How do you control peach aphids?

    Green peach aphids can be effectively controlled with Versys, a powerful insecticide that quickly halts aphid activity. Versys offers lasting control of green peach aphids using a new active ingredient to help manage insecticidal resistance, making it the gold standard insecticide.

  • What are the best insecticides for aphid control?

    Versys is a very powerful five-star insecticide with for aphid control. Versys is now registered in a very wide range of crops, including wheat, barley and canola. One of the key benefits of using Versys insecticide is how quickly it stops aphids from feeding: in as little as 15 minutes. This prevents further direct damage and minimises the opportunity for virus transmission.

  • What are the insect pests of canola in Australia?

    Canola in Australia is affected by insect pests, including cabbage aphid and green peach aphid. To control insect pests in canola, Versys insecticide offers powerful and lasting treatment of aphids using a new active ingredient to help manage insecticidal resistance. 

  • What are the pests of Brassicas?

    Aphids are an insect pest of Brassicas. Versys is a very powerful five-star insecticide with activity against aphids at all emerged life stages and is the ideal pest control for Brassicas. 

  • How do I control aphids in canola and barley?

    Versys is a very powerful insecticide that controls aphids in a wide range of crops including canola and barley. It effectively stops pests such as aphids from feeding in just a few minutes and is an excellent way to control aphids in canola and barley. 

  • How do you control peach aphids?

    Versys is an effective insecticide to control green peach aphids in a wide range of crops. It offers a rapid solution against green peach aphids and stops them from feeding in a few minutes. 

  • What are the insect pests of canola in Australia?

    Canola crops are often affected by insect pests such as cabbage aphids and green peach aphids. Versys is a highly effective insecticide that controls insect pests in canola by stopping them from feeding in a number of minutes.  

  • What insecticide is used on wheat and other grains?

    The ideal insecticide to use for wheat and other grains is Versys. This powerful, 5-star insecticide offers rapid action against aphids in wheat and other grain crops in just a few minutes. 

  • What kills Russian wheat aphid?

    Versys is a highly effective and powerful insecticide that kills Russian wheat aphids. It effectively stops pests such as Russian wheat aphids from feeding in just a few minutes and is an excellent way to kill insects in wheat crops. 

  • What is the active ingredient in Versys?

    The active ingredient in Versys insecticide is 100 g/L Afidopyropen. Versys works in a wide range of crops, including wheat, barley and canola to control aphids and offers low impact to beneficial insects and pollinators such as bees. 

  • What is the mode of action for Versys insecticide?

    Versys insecticide offers a new Group 9D mode of action to help manage resistance and give grain growers huge advantages in controlling insects. Versys stops pests such as aphids, whiteflies and mealybugs from feeding in just minutes and is a highly effective insecticide.